[fpc-devel] Difficulty with a failed build

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Wed Sep 22 22:07:50 CEST 2021

Hi everyone,

So I've made a merge request for Marģers' division improvement over 
here: https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/fpc/source/-/merge_requests/51

I am getting a build failure that indicates "|Binary files ppc3 and 
ppcx64 differ|".|| This usually implies a fault in the compiler code.  
However, I have so far been unable to reproduce it.  I attempted to 
manually call |make -j 4 all OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=x86_64 
FPMAKEOPT="-T 4" "OPT=-Oodfa"| as the log suggests over here: 
https://gitlab.com/CuriousKit/optimisations/-/jobs/1613510261 - however, 
when I run it on my Linux virtual machine (Ubuntu on x86_64 using Oracle 
VirtualBox), it builds successfully.

Anyone got any ideas or am I missing something obvious?

Gareth aka. Kit

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