[fpc-devel] Going to properly investigate that 3.0.2 bug

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Sat Jul 10 06:40:27 CEST 2021

Hi everyone,

So I want to fix that optimisation bug in FPC 3.0.2 and 3.2.0 etc, but I 
need a little bit of help.  I know that Lazarus doesn't build properly 
with optimisations, but does anyone know of a smaller project that 
compiles incorrectly and causes an easy crash when run?  If not, what do 
I need to do with Lazarus to make it crash?  With that, I can do a kind 
of manual binary search with revisions to find the point where it no 
longer crashes (since it was fixed for FPC 3.3.1).

Gareth aka. Kit

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