[fpc-devel] Need your help on how to best fix cmsis incompatibilities between arm chip vendors when linking to c-code

Andrey Sobol andrey.sobol.nn at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 06:31:38 CET 2021

> My problem is now that I do not know how to best implement this in 
> freepascal so that it is as transparent as possible to the user, not 
> requiring him to create a huge list of defsym parameters in the lpi file 
> or on commandline.
> My current idea is to put a list of default defsyms for arm chips in 
> t_embed/t_freertos, re-mapping non-cmsis conformant names to proper 
> cmsis names.
Like thought...
Inside a fpdoc utility, parameters are often transferred as a list of 
parameters. There is the special command line syntax. The option value 
is the a file list when parameter value has a '@' prefix (the params are 
loaded from file as list of parameters) or is the single option 
parameter (the parameter value is without that prefix).


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