[fpc-devel] Enabling hardware floating point processor for cortex-m4f on embedded and freertos

Michael Ring mail at michael-ring.org
Fri Feb 19 22:13:09 CET 2021

You are the best, thank you!


Am 19.02.21 um 22:11 schrieb Florian Klämpfl via fpc-devel:
> Am 19.02.21 um 21:55 schrieb Michael Ring via fpc-devel:
>> When rtl for arm-embedded/arm-freertos is build with hardfloat the 
>> fpu should also automagically get enabled, by default it is off which 
>> causes a crash when floats are used.
>> This small patch fixes that problem in cortexm4f_start.inc
>> can you please apply this patch to trunk?
> Thanks, I applied it in a modified form so the presence of an vfp unit 
> is checked, this should be more future and fool proof :)
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