[fpc-devel] A more fundamental problem Re: i36507

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 11:46:46 CET 2020

On Fri, Jan 3, 2020 at 11:30 AM J. Gareth Moreton
<gareth at moreton-family.com> wrote:

> Oh right, okay.  That explains things then.  I would have thought though
> that it would have been test-compiled before being pushed to the main
> repository.

No, the fpc devels are not responsible for Lazarus.
The adding of TStrings.Options was mandatory (Delphi has it, so we
must as well).

> Sorry for the confusion - I assumed that Lazarus was
> guaranteed to build from the trunk.

This happens rather frequently, and cannot be really avoided, and if
it happens we fix it in Lazarus trunk (and sometimes in Lazarus fixes
as well).
It's not a big deal.


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