[fpc-devel] Possible bug in fpc_round_real for softfloat?

Francisco Glover francisco.glover at gmail.com
Wed Feb 19 01:49:04 CET 2020


On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 8:36 PM Alexander Hofmann via fpc-devel <
fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org> wrote:

> Dear all,
> while investigating a bug in an application designed for ARM with floating
> point emulation enabled, I stumbled upon the following problem:
> When rounding large numbers to int64, some actually get rounded to
> something negative, e.g:
>  round(1.5000000000000000E+018) => 1500000000000000000
>  round(1.5000005497558139E+018) => -491856199680
> Tested with trunk and 3.0.0 on a raspberry pi (armsf).
> At first I though it's specific to ARM, but it can be reproduced also on
> e.g. x86_64 by copying fpc_round_real from rtl/genmath.inc and using this
> directly. By the way, the above fractional numbers differ by only one bit,
> which is bit 32 (or the sign bit in a 32bit number).
> I think the culprit is in line 1342 of genmath.inc, i.e.
>             result:=((int64(hx) shl 32) or float64low(d)) shl (j0-52);
> float64low(d) will return the lower 32 bit of the float as longint, where
> the sign is negative in case of the second number. The compiler seems to
> expand this to a 64bit signed integer, by keeping the number not the bits -
> thus the invalid result. If this line is changed to
>             result:=((int64(hx) shl 32) or *dword*(float64low(d))) shl
> (j0-52);
> both floats are rounded correctly. It needs to be an unsigned number, it
> does not work with an explicit cast to int64.
> Note that this code-path will only be put into action if the exponent of
> the base-two fractional number is larger 51 and the float thus lacks the
> fractional part. In my point of view, the rest of the code is not prone to
> this error; in line 1361 of genmath.inc the result of float64low is
> shifted right first, which will always leave a 0 at the position of the
> "sign bit".
> I am, however, not sure if this is because my compilers all have been
> compiled e.g. with the wrong switches (leading to some obscure
> optimization) or if this is indeed an error. I didn't find anything about
> this on the list or the net.
> Attached is a little program illustrating the problem, most of the code is
> a 1:1 copy from genmath.inc
> With best regards,
> Alex
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