[fpc-devel] Internal error 200609171

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Sun Oct 27 13:36:36 CET 2019

More than anything, we would need a code sample that would reliably 
reproduce the bug.  Granted we can look at the source code to see what 
200609171 eludes to, but it would be largely guesswork on how it's 
triggered.  If you're able to narrow down the code sample enough to put 
into a report, and to not give away any trade secrets from your larger 
project, then that would be a great help.  But yeah, these bugs that 
depend on a lot of small things are the most annoying!

Gareth aka. Kit

On 27/10/2019 12:16, C Western wrote:
> I have a project that triggers Internal error 200609171 when compiled 
> for 64 bit Mac with -gw3 set. It works fine on other platforms, or if 
> a different debug mode is set. The error is triggered on the first var 
> in the implementation section. I would create a bug report, only it is 
> not obvious how to create a small example - the full project is large. 
> Any thoughts?
> Colin
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