[fpc-devel] Capturing addresses

Marco Borsari borsa77 at libero.it
Sun Nov 10 16:48:51 CET 2019

Il 10/11/2019 14:36, Jonas Maebe ha scritto:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know what the accepted/excepted behaviour is regarding the
> capture of addresses of var/out/const-by-address/constref parameters?
> For example:
> var
>    g: longint;
>    p: plongint;
> procedure test(var l: longint);
> begin
>    p:=@l;
> end;
> begin
>    test(g);
> end.
> The question is: should the compiler by default assume that such
> addresses are not captured, or that they are captured? Does anyone know
> if a lot of code exists that does this?

To me p:=@l should be simply refused by the compiler as it happens in 
case of p:=l.

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