[fpc-devel] Optimizer Overhaul Take 2... Jump Optimizations

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Fri Nov 1 12:56:42 CET 2019

So the tests all passed on i386-win32 and x86_64-win64, so that's s a 
good sign.  I can't submit the patches for evaluation yet because I 
haven't finished the design spec yet, and also because of a minor bug 
that deals with collapsing label clusters:

     .p2align 4,,10
     .p2align 3

In this segment, everything is stripped except for the last label, which 
is fine as all the references are changed too. Unfortunately, the 
alignment fields are removed too, which shouldn't happen.  It doesn't 
produce incorrect code, but it may incur a performance penalty, so 
shouldn't be removed - I'm just trying to figure out why that's happening!

Gareth aka. Kit

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