[fpc-devel] Unexpected behaviour of bit operators

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Fri May 17 12:51:20 CEST 2019

One thing to be aware of is that the compiler will extend intermediate 
expressions to the CPU size, so if the multiplication overflows into 32 
bits in h1 (which it does for the given values of a and b), it will 
preserve those bits and will end up shifting them to the right instead 
of zeroes.

For h2, the overflowed bits are masked out with the "and ((s - 1) shl 
(16 - n))" operation, which in this example is equal to $FFF0.

I hope this answers your question.

Gareth aka. Kit

On 17/05/2019 09:47, Marco Borsari via fpc-devel wrote:
> In the code below
> program test;
> const n=12;
> s=1 shl n;
> var a,b,c,h1,h2:word;
> begin
> a:=77;
> b:=0;
> (*c:=(a XOR b)*(a SHL 5+b SHR 2);*)
> h1:=((a XOR b)*(a SHL 5+b SHR 2)) SHR (16-n);
> (*h1:=c SHR (16-n);*)
> h2:=((a XOR b)*(a SHL 5+b SHR 2)) AND ((s-1) SHL (16-n)) SHR (16-n);
> (*h2:=c AND ((s-1) SHL (16-n)) SHR (16-n);*)
> writeln(h1,',',h2);
> end.
> the results of h1 and h2 (they are hashes) are different, and only h2
> appears to be correct and inside the range.
> If we precompute the hash value with c, then both h1 and h2 are
> the same.
> Does this is an effect of some multiplication overflow,
> or is it a bug?
> Regards, Marco Borsari

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