[fpc-devel] Object upgrades (new)

wkitty42 at windstream.net wkitty42 at windstream.net
Mon Jun 17 19:56:19 CEST 2019

On 6/17/19 12:49 PM, Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:
> <wkitty42 at windstream.net> schrieb am Mo., 17. Juni 2019, 14:15:
>     On 6/17/19 1:54 AM, Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:
>      > <wkitty42 at windstream.net> schrieb am Mo., 17. Juni 2019, 02:07:
>      >
>      >     what always confused me these days is that records and objects were
>     one thing
>      >     back in the (TP6) day but today they are something quite different...
>     i had to
>      >     be very careful when i wrote my satellite TLE management tool because
>     of these
>      >     differences...
>      >
>      >
>      > Ehm... TP style objects were already quite different to records back in
>     TP days.
>     yes... what i'm saying is that today's are different and that's what
>     confuses me...
> You are talking about classes, aren't you?

maybe... that's part of the confusion... i'm self taught from TP2... never took 
any classes for anything computer at all... started with B.A.S.I.C. and a friend 
showed me asm and pascal... i dropped basic like a hot potato and went all out 
with asm and pascal... had a nice library of routines in asm but as each new TP 
came out, fewer and fewer of my homegrown asm routines were needed... eventually 
i was doing asm blocks in my pascal sources instead of compiling .obj files and 
linking them in...

>     in the day that i speak of, records were simple static blocks that contained
>     data in a certain defined order... today's records have methods, too, which are
>     more like objects back then... i forget the difference between yesterday's
>     objects and today's...
> But back in the days the objects were already different from records.

right... i wrote my own objects when they were introduced and later extensively 
used message base objects from Mark May when writing BBS message base tools... 
some objects had (traditional) records* within them...

mksm106.zip 	215k 	
MK Source for Msg Access v1.06 - Mark May's
Pascal OOP source code to access Squish,
Jam, Hudson, *.Msg, and Ezycom message
bases. Great for developing BBS utilities.

i started, some time back, to convert the code to FPC but RL and other shite got 
in the way...

> And yes, both are again different from classes.

yeah, i'll have to see if i can figure out what classes are and if they are one 
of the old-school objects or records... yeah, i'm getting old and rarely dabble 
in pascal code any more but i still read the mailing lists :)

*this is an example of a traditional record and a traditional object as i think 
of them...

Type JamHdrType = Record
   Signature: Array[1..4] of Char;
   Created: LongInt;
   ModCounter: LongInt;
   ActiveMsgs: LongInt;
   PwdCRC: LongInt;
   BaseMsgNum: LongInt;
   Extra: Array[1..1000] of Char;

Const JamSubBufSize = 4000;

Type JamSubBuffer = Array[1..JamSubBufSize] of Char;

Type HdrType = Record
   JamHdr: JamMsgHdrType;
   SubBuf: JamSubBuffer;

Type JamMsgObj = Object (AbsMsgObj)
   JM: ^JamMsgType;
   MsgHdr: ^HdrType;
   JamIdx: ^JamIdxArrayType;
   TxtBuf: ^JamTxtBufType;
   Error: Longint;
   Constructor Init;                      {Initialize}
   Destructor Done; Virtual; {Done}
   Procedure SetMsgPath(St: String); Virtual; {Set netmail path}
   Function  GetHighMsgNum: LongInt; Virtual; {Get highest netmail msg number in 
   Function  LockMsgBase: Boolean; Virtual; {Lock the message base}
   Function  UnLockMsgBase: Boolean; Virtual; {Unlock the message base}
   Function  WriteMailIdx(FN: String; MsgPos: Word): Word; Virtual; {Write 
Netmail or EchoMail.jam}
   Procedure SetDest(Var Addr: AddrType); Virtual; {Set Zone/Net/Node/Point for 
   Procedure SetOrig(Var Addr: AddrType); Virtual; {Set Zone/Net/Node/Point for 
   Procedure SetFrom(Name: String); Virtual; {Set message from}
   Procedure SetTo(Name: String); Virtual; {Set message to}
   Procedure SetSubj(Str: String); Virtual; {Set message subject}
   Procedure SetCost(SCost: Word); Virtual; {Set message cost}
   Procedure SetRefer(SRefer: LongInt); Virtual; {Set message reference}
   Procedure SetSeeAlso(SAlso: LongInt); Virtual; {Set message see also}
   Function  GetNextSeeAlso: LongInt; Virtual;
   Procedure SetNextSeeAlso(SAlso: LongInt); Virtual;
   Procedure SetDate(SDate: String); Virtual; {Set message date}
   Procedure SetTime(STime: String); Virtual; {Set message time}
   Procedure SetLocal(LS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set local status}
   Procedure SetRcvd(RS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set received status}
   Procedure SetPriv(PS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set priveledge vs public status}
   Procedure SetCrash(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set crash netmail status}
   Procedure SetKillSent(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set kill/sent netmail status}
   Procedure SetSent(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set sent netmail status}
   Procedure SetFAttach(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set file attach status}
   Procedure SetReqRct(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set request receipt status}
   Procedure SetReqAud(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set request audit status}
   Procedure SetRetRct(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set return receipt status}
   Procedure SetFileReq(SS: Boolean); Virtual; {Set file request status}
   Procedure DoString(Str: String); Virtual; {Add string to message text}
   Procedure DoChar(Ch: Char); Virtual; {Add character to message text}
   Procedure DoStringLn(Str: String); Virtual; {Add string and newline to msg text}
   Procedure DoKludgeLn(Str: String); Virtual; {Add ^AKludge line to msg}
   Function  WriteMsg: Word; Virtual;
   Function  GetChar: Char; Virtual;
   Procedure AddTxtSub(St: String);
   Procedure MsgStartUp; Virtual; {set up msg for reading}
   Function  EOM: Boolean; Virtual; {No more msg text}
   Function  GetString(MaxLen: Word): ShortString; Virtual; {Get wordwrapped string}
   Function  WasWrap: Boolean; Virtual; {Last line was soft wrapped no CR}
   Procedure SeekFirst(MsgNum: LongInt); Virtual; {Seek msg number}
   Procedure SeekNext; Virtual; {Find next matching msg}
   Procedure SeekPrior; Virtual; {Seek prior matching msg}
   Function  GetFrom: String; Virtual; {Get from name on current msg}
   Function  GetTo: String; Virtual; {Get to name on current msg}
   Function  GetSubj: String; Virtual; {Get subject on current msg}
   Function  GetCost: Word; Virtual; {Get cost of current msg}
   Function  GetDate: String; Virtual; {Get date of current msg}
   Function  GetTime: String; Virtual; {Get time of current msg}
   Function  GetRefer: LongInt; Virtual; {Get reply to of current msg}
   Function  GetSeeAlso: LongInt; Virtual; {Get see also of current msg}
   Function  GetMsgNum: LongInt; Virtual; {Get message number}
   Procedure GetOrig(Var Addr: AddrType); Virtual; {Get origin address}
   Procedure GetDest(Var Addr: AddrType); Virtual; {Get destination address}
   Function  IsLocal: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg local}
   Function  IsCrash: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg crash}
   Function  IsKillSent: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg kill sent}
   Function  IsSent: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg sent}
   Function  IsFAttach: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg file attach}
   Function  IsReqRct: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg request receipt}
   Function  IsReqAud: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg request audit}
   Function  IsRetRct: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg a return receipt}
   Function  IsFileReq: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg a file request}
   Function  IsRcvd: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg received}
   Function  IsPriv: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg priviledged/private}
   Function  IsDeleted: Boolean; Virtual; {Is current msg deleted}
   Function  IsEchoed: Boolean; Virtual; {Msg should be echoed}
   Function  GetMsgLoc: LongInt; Virtual; {Msg location}
   Procedure SetMsgLoc(ML: LongInt); Virtual; {Msg location}
   Procedure YoursFirst(Name: String; Handle: String); Virtual; {Seek your mail}
   Procedure YoursNext; Virtual; {Seek next your mail}
   Function  YoursFound: Boolean; Virtual; {Message found}
   Procedure StartNewMsg; Virtual;
   Function  OpenMsgBase: Word; Virtual;
   Function  CloseMsgBase: Word; Virtual;
   Function  MsgBaseExists: Boolean; Virtual; {Does msg base exist}
   Function  CreateMsgBase(MaxMsg: Word; MaxDays: Word): Word; Virtual;
   Function  SeekFound: Boolean; Virtual;
   Procedure SetMailType(MT: MsgMailType); Virtual; {Set message base type}
   Function  GetSubArea: Word; Virtual; {Get sub area number}
   Procedure ReWriteHdr; Virtual; {Rewrite msg header after changes}
   Procedure DeleteMsg; Virtual; {Delete current message}
   Function  NumberOfMsgs: LongInt; Virtual; {Number of messages}
   Function  GetLastRead(UNum, UCRC: LongInt): LongInt; Virtual; {Get last read 
for user num}
   Procedure SetLastRead(UNum: LongInt; LR, UCRC: LongInt); Virtual; {Set last read}
   Procedure MsgTxtStartUp; Virtual; {Do message text start up tasks}
   Function  GetTxtPos: LongInt; Virtual; {Get indicator of msg text position}
   Procedure SetTxtPos(TP: LongInt); Virtual; {Set text position}
   Procedure SetAttr1(Mask: LongInt; St: Boolean); {Set attribute 1}
   Function  ReadIdx: NumReadType;
   Function  WriteIdx: NumReadType;
   Procedure AddSubField(id: SmallWord; Data: String);
   Function  FindLastRead(Var LastFile: pFileOBj; UNum, UCRC: LongInt): LongInt;
   Function  ReReadIdx(Var IdxLoc : LongInt) : Word;
   Function  IsNetMail: Boolean; virtual;
   Procedure SetNetMail(SN: Boolean); virtual;
   procedure ClearMsgText; virtual;
   procedure UpdateMsgText(var WriteError: Word); virtual;
   procedure SetDateTime;
   function GetMsgBuffer: AnsiString; virtual;

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