[fpc-devel] Standard generic classes

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Tue Jun 4 22:40:12 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,

I may be missing the obvious here, but I've noticed that there are some 
notable absences in the Free Generics Library.  While there's a standard 
list and a map and the like, there aren't any of the special lists like 
a stack and a queue and the like.  It proved slightly problematic while 
in a mentoring session with another programmer whom I was introducing to 
Free Pascal, because our sample project required a stack.  The standard 
TStack uses pointers, which is not exactly portable.

If not present, can I request the addition of TFPGStack and TFPGQueue to 
the Free Generics Library? They should be simple descendants of of 
TFPGList unless I'm missing something painfully obvious.  Or am I 
missing something even more obvious in that they are defined elsewhere?

Gareth aka. Kit

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