No subject

Tue Jun 11 15:59:36 CEST 2019

'If the procedure is declared with the cdecl modifier, then the compiler
will pass the array as a C compiler would pass it. This, in effect, emulates
the C construct of a varable number of arguments, as the following example
will show:'

This works only under *NIX (I was tested under FreeBSD)

Under Win32 when I'm trying to call a declared function in DLL with
C-variable array parameters it  makes a crash with run-time error 217
(perhaps stack overflow?).
Any solve of this problem?

Under FreeBSD all is ok.

$ ppc386 -i
Free Pascal Compiler version 1.0.4
Compiler Date  : 2000/12/30
Compiler Target: i386

With best regards. Max Artemev.
Student of the mathematical department of the Pedagogic University of
Moscow, Russia.
The Raccoons Homepage

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