[fpc-devel] Minor debate with ISO standard on case blocks

thaddy thaddy at localhost
Tue Jul 30 12:35:26 CEST 2019

On 2019-07-30 12:12, Marco Borsari via fpc-devel wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 06:38:56 +0200
> thaddy <thaddy at localhost> wrote:
>> According to what I found there is no smoking gun: I could not find 
>> any
>> implementation or reference from any reputable source that implements
>> the case statement in the way that is implemented in trunk: compile 
>> time
>> error when not all of the ordinal range for the case are processed. It
>> simply does not exist as far as I am concerned, unless someone can
>> convince be by a reputable source that such implementation exists
>> elsewhere.
> Pascal-S of Wirth does it.
> Marco Borsari

I just compiled pascal-s (Moore's iso version, because that's the 
relevant one) but did not run it yet with my patch. It fails at run-time 
or compile-time?
It is an interpreter/p-code system, so has a greater level of freedom.
Note iso7158 is based on Wirth's but Wirth's version is not iso 

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