[fpc-devel] Bug fixes awaiting verification/approval

J. Gareth Moreton gareth at moreton-family.com
Fri Jul 12 15:04:55 CEST 2019

Hi everyone,

I just finished fixing issue #32913 
<https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=32913> that's been on my books 
for nearly a year now.  It turns out I didn't need the node dump feature 
to fix it after all, although it was still a lot more challenging than I 
would have given it credit for.

In the meantime, I have a couple of issues that have patches that 
(hopefully) fix reported problems in the Free Pascal Compiler, and when 
the administrators find time, I would like them to be evaluated for 
correctness and to ensure I haven't broken any rules in regards to how 
the compiler is structured.

#32913 - nested try blocks with exit gives Error: Internal error 
#35700 - [Assembler] Fix for SSE/AVX instructions with 32- and 64-bit 
operands <https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=35700> - this is a 
parent of another reported issue: #32219 - AVX addition does not compile 

There are some other things on my list awaiting approval, but these are 
features rather than bug fixes so are not as critical.

Thank you for time.

Gareth aka. Kit

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