[fpc-devel] [] property overloads

Ben Grasset operator97 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 18:28:11 CEST 2019

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 12:11 PM Ryan Joseph <genericptr at gmail.com> wrote:

> Why does that require a special switch? Also, I thought it was determined
> that allowed “out” in array properties was a bug?

Not sure about the exact history of VARPROPSETTER. It's an old Delphi
thing, rarely used nowadays though.

As far as the "out", I'd say that is a lexical/parser bug certainly,
although it does not seem to actually *behave* like "out" in the case of
something like

function GetThing(out I: PtrUInt): TThing;
property Thing[out I: PtrUInt]: TThing read GetThing;

as if it did it couldn't possibly compile with a PtrUInt literal like
"MyThing := BlahBlah.Thing[27]". The compiler seems to just act as though
it was "var" there.
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