[fpc-devel] Some thoughts on multi-line string support, and a possible syntax that I think is perfectly clean and Pascal-ish.

Michael Thompson mike.cornflake at gmail.com
Thu Jul 4 01:10:47 CEST 2019

> const SA = `
>   This is a multiline
>   string using hypothetical backticks.
>   Imagine it was fully syntax-highlighted
>   like normal strings and the comment
>   above are.
> `;

Also +1, though I'm less enthused about the syntax highlighting. That's
icing. Multiline strings are what I'm focused on.

Most of my apps either compile long SQL for generating data or long HTML
fragments for reporting.

I have 6 units chock full of SQL string fragments alone, and I shudder each
time I have to change a SQL.

Turning these fragments into a multitude of separate files doesn't sound
fun either, I'll have lost the ability to scroll through the unit trying to
find what constant I assigned that particular flavour of that sql...

Glad this topic is being discussed.

Many thanks

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