[fpc-devel] "Blank slate" next version of FPC

Nikolai Zhubr n-a-zhubr at yandex.ru
Wed Feb 20 12:26:20 CET 2019

Hi all,

20.02.2019 13:21, Sven Barth via fpc-devel:
> And we don't agree here. For us inline variables is one of the most
> horrid if not *the* most horrid thing Embarcadero could have done to
> Object Pascal.

Could you elaborate a bit about it?
While I'm not really sure what they have done exactly (not using latest 
Delphi and probably not going to), I've somehow got very used to (and 
confortable with) Java's inline declarations, especially "for (int i = 
0; ....)" and similar constructs, and now I find myself doing this way 
all the time, because:

1. it makes it easier to see the whole picture just looking at the loop 
body, no need to scroll up; (The loop body might be just 10 lines of 
code, whereas the whole containing function sometimes has 1000s)

2. it isoltates the scope of such variable(s), therefore preventing some 
sorts of accidental misuse outside of e.g. the containing loop (which 
still do happen to me ocasionally in Pascal).

So I'm just wondering, what is wrong with such approach that it is 
considered so harmfull for Pascal? (Not talking here about possible 
excessive complexity of actual implementation in compiler, and not 
talking about the exact syntax chosen for that, just the idea as a whole)

Thank you,


> Regards,
> Sven
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