[fpc-devel] FPC installation on Mac failure (Was: Re: (no subject))

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Sun Apr 28 23:56:53 CEST 2019

On 2019-04-27 23:17, Григорий Параскевов via fpc-devel wrote:

Hello Grigori,

Please note that messages sent to the FPC mailing lists are supposed to 
be in English. There is a Russian language WWW forum available 
(https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/board,75.0.html), you 
might ask your question there in Russian, or use English here.

Also note that the list fpc-devel is primarily meant for discussing 
further development of FPC, whereas questions about use of FPC should 
preferably go to the fpc-pascal list.

I'll try to provide English translation (without guarantees, my 
knowledge of Russian is limited at best) in case somebody subscribed to 
the list can give you an answer (note to mailing list subscribers - 
Grigori is not subscribed to the list, you'd need to send him a Cc: of 
your possible answers).

BTW, you talk about installing Lazarus in your post, but the 
installation package mentioned below is a FPC installation package, not 
a Lazarus installation package.

> Здравствуйте! Я не могу установить Лазарю на свой Мак. После того, как
> скачиваю fpc-3.0.4.intel.macosx и в терминал ввожу xcode-select
> ---install, пишет "
> command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to
> install updates", но при очередной попытке
> установить fpc-3.0.4.intel.macosx выходит сообщение "you have to
> install Xcode and its command line tools before installing this
> package. Помогите, не знаю что делать. 

Translation of the original post above:
Hello, I cannot install Lazarus on my Mac. After downloading 
fpc-3.0.4.intel.macosx and running 'xcode-select ---install' in 
terminal, message 'command line tools are already installed, use 
"Software Update" to install updates', but the following attempt to 
install fpc-3.0.4.intel.macosx results in a message 'you have to install 
Xcode and its command line tools before installing this package'. Please 
help, I don't know what to do.'


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