[fpc-devel] OpenSLL units deprecated protocols.

Ozz Nixon ozznixon at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 17:09:00 CEST 2019

Agreed. My socket suite *has* to support 0.9.8, due to one of my larger
customers who cannot upgrade their system (would take them down for weeks).
The programs are air-gapped, so they do not worry about outside hackers.
But for security reasons - they must move date from machine to machine
encrypted - xor would be fine in their requirements.

On Fri, Apr 5, 2019 at 3:28 AM Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>

> On Thu, 4 Apr 2019, thaddy wrote:
> > I have internally deprecated some SSL protocols since they no longer
> > work because they are no longer compiled in.
> > I also internally changed the bottom line to tls 1.2
> > Would it be OK to provide that as a patch? Or would you consider more
> > things are necessary than just deprecated and default?
> Just deprecate and default is enough. Don't remove anything. You never know
> in what environment a program must run: it can be that it must be able to
> talk to an old server with no support for the newer protocols. (or vice
> versa)
> In each case, the openssl unit must be reviewed to check for 1.1 of
> openssl.
> Michael.
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