[fpc-devel] Why debugger does not "step in"?

Gennady Agranov gennadyagranov at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 17:58:52 CET 2018

 >>> It isn't a method of an "interface"? interfaces indeed have this 

It is the case - thanks!

Is it "nothing can be done about it" case?

Is there an already submitted bug?


On 3/24/2018 4:42 AM, Martin Frb wrote:
> On 24/03/18 02:24, Gennady Agranov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I use FPC 3.0.4 / Lazarus 1.8.2
>> I am seeing the same behavior when I debug the program using Lazarus 
>> IDE under Win64 and Linux64
>> When I want to "step in" into my own function/procedure - GDB simply 
>> steps over...
>> If I set a breakpoint inside the function/procedure I want to "step 
>> in" and "run" - it would stop at this breakpoint. 
> It isn't a method of an "interface"? interfaces indeed have this issue.
> But if it is a normal procedure, then this is odd.  A few things you 
> can try:
> - On Windows, use an external linker (option -Xe)
> - Try stabs vs Dwarf (Project Options > Debugging)
> - Do NOT use smart linking
> - Do NOT use any optimization -O...
> - Try a diff version of gdb
> - Try an older fpc (but keep all else the same). So you know if it is 
> an issue with current fpc.
> I also found a bug report 
> https://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=31599 that may or may not be 
> related.
> Someone recently reported they had the opposite problem, where the 
> debugger would step in, when they actually stepped over. Not sure if 
> related.
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