[fpc-devel] Fix CamelCase in unit and method names

Pierre Muller pierre at freepascal.org
Fri Mar 23 23:38:06 CET 2018

Le 23/03/2018 à 23:12, Michael Van Canneyt a écrit :
> On Fri, 23 Mar 2018, Sven Barth via fpc-devel wrote:
>> R0b0t1 <r030t1 at gmail.com> schrieb am Fr., 23. März 2018, 16:07:
>>>> IMHO preferably not the unit names (as in 'unit XxX') - with case
>>>> sensitive file names on Unix, this change might increase time for
>>>> searching the respective file (somewhat). Obviously, all further
>>>> references of the unit (as in 'SysUtils.Execute') should be fine.
>>> I don't understand how it would increase the search time. I believe
>>> what happens is all names are converted to lowercase for the search,
>>> as in the strings taken from the user or their files and the names
>>> taken from the disk are both converted to lower case before
>>> comparisons are made.
>> FPC first looks for the unit with the name as is, then lower case and
>> finally upper case.
> Yes, but this is done in memory in the directory cache.

But isn't the problem more that if you have a SysUtils.pp unit
and a sysutils.pp both in your unit search path,
on a case sensitive partition, it might now find SysUtils.pp before sysutils.pp
and end up with some total different source?

Pierre Muller

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