[fpc-devel] Managed Types, Undefined Bhaviour

Martok listbox at martoks-place.de
Fri Jun 29 16:31:17 CEST 2018

Am 29.06.2018 um 16:05 schrieb Michael Van Canneyt:
>> The expected output would be 3 Addrefs and 3 Releases.
> I don't get that.

Somewhat current FPC trunk output, annotations added manually:
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 1 at 00404961
                                   (by fpc_class_as_intf in GetChainer)
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 00404223
                                   (by fpc_intf_assign of GetChainer Result)
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 004041F4
                                   (by fpc_intf_decr_ref of GetChainer Result)
Chain: 0022FAA8
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 00404961
                                   (by fpc_class_as_intf in Chain)
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 00404223
                                   (by fpc_intf_assign of Chain Result)
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 004041F4
                                   (by fpc_intf_decr_ref of Chain Result)
Chain: 0022FAA8
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 00404961
Addref: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 4 at 00404223
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 4 at 004041F4
Done: 0022FAA8
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 3 at 004041F4
                                   (by fpc_intf_decr_ref at scope end of Test)
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 2 at 004041F4
Release: 0022FAA8 Refcount: 1 at 004041F4

Delphi output (without the stack trace part, because they don't have it):
Addref: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 1
Chain: 0205DBE8
Addref: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 2
Chain: 0205DBE8
Addref: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 3
Done: 0205DBE8
Release: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 3
Release: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 2
Release: 0205DBE8 Refcount: 1

Delphi uses a shortcut for "as", and because of their different handling of
putting Result in a tempvar, they get away with less internal assignments.

6 LOCK instructions (and associated calls) less. Not a lot by itself, but since
we're counting single-digit cycles in other places...


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