[fpc-devel] Fwd: Re: fpc-devel Digest, Vol 175, Issue 29

Ozz Nixon ozznixon at gmail.com
Sat Dec 22 20:09:56 CET 2018

I would assume Mean of First,Middle,Last relative to how Binary Searches
Work, Test zero, Test end, Start Middle - some Binary Search Strictly Start
Middle and Work to Start or End. So maybe the wording MEAN is wrong - but,
I am sure they are pointing how to high speed of Binary Searches. I used
them extensively for performance in many of my data oriented objects,
TDXStringList for one... before adapting generics, keeping my code more
generic in design for other compilers on other platforms - I built my own
TDXIntegerList, TDXObjectList, TDXStringList, TDXHashList. Has allowed me
to develop extremely fast socket server solutions, pascal interpreters, SQL
Server, and soon to be released my first Virtual Bot Wars tournament
environment - designed for tens of thousands of concurrent players -
writing their own pascal-like attack algorithms to run against other
players, in real-time. Part of an AI initiative I have started using binary
search abstract tree structure interpreters to run as fast as Google's V8
engine. (sorry for over share - excited about the game project coming to
life next year!).


On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 11:38 AM Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Dec 22, 2018 at 1:03 PM Franz Müller <bupa at gmx.at> wrote:
> > But maybe there is an easy way to save the state of the random number
> generator routine before sorting and to restore it when the sort is done?
> Save RandSeed and restore it after you're done with your calls to Random.
> --
> Bart
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