[fpc-devel] Staticaly link C/C++ library (.lib) into FreePascal on Windows

silvioprog silvioprog at gmail.com
Sun Mar 19 04:52:20 CET 2017

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 4:38 AM, LacaK <lacak at zoznam.sk> wrote:
> I forgot a question, could you send your ippi .a files for us? If so, I
>> can try a test here. :-)
> Yes of course: I have uploaded them here http://uschovna.zoznam.sk/down
> load?code=1342688547227-EZyyeVzToDVVkkbJNCbN
> But be aware of that I am on Windows, not Linux (Despite this I have added
> to ZIP also .a files as they are installed by Intel into direcotry "Linux".
> In direcory "Windows" are installed only .lib files).
> If I can repeat my question: Can I use ".a" libraries also on Windows ? If
> not can I use ".lib" created by C/C++ (I do not know how they are build)
> Thank you
> -Laco.

Unfortunately you can't use the static libraries (.a) of Intel because they
are generated for Linux, in spite of static libraries be cross-platform.

I'm not sure about the .lib files. MS's COFF files adopt the .lib
extension, but it is a little bit strange these sizes below:

. original - 251 MB;
. striped - 192 MB.

. original - 853 KB;
. striped - no strip needed, it is already small.

Huge difference, so I'm not sure if the .lib are really COFF files (even
the owns MS COFF style). I tried to convert it to OMF (the .obj for testing
on Delphi, because I don't know if FPC supports OMF) via the VS LIB.EXE
tool and I didn't have success. The .obj was generated, but it doesn't work
because it was generated with only the library "interface", so I'm
suspecting the `libippi.lib` requires external libraries, something like
other .libs or .dlls, because 853 KB is a very small size for the same
library that requires 250 MB on Linux... you need to check about it at
Intel support (or trying it in C or C++ just to check if these .lib files
are really OK).

Anyway, I'm on Linux and I did this test below, it worked fine (just
sharing it, but I know you need it on Windows :-) ):

  cchar = AnsiChar;
  Pcchar = PAnsiChar;
  cint = Int32;

  IppLibraryVersionPtr = ^IppLibraryVersion;
  IppLibraryVersion = record
    major: cint;
    minor: cint;
    majorBuild: cint;
    build: cint;
    targetCpu: packed array [0 .. 3] of cchar;
    Name: Pcchar;
    Version: Pcchar;
    BuildDate: Pcchar;

function ippGetLibVersion: IppLibraryVersionPtr; cdecl; external;
{$LINKLIB  ippcore.a}
{$LINKLIB ippi.a}

  ver: IppLibraryVersionPtr;
  ver := ippGetLibVersion;

// result: 2017.0.2 (r54644)

Silvio Clécio
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