[fpc-devel] HTML string to TFPColor

Ondrej Pokorny lazarus at kluug.net
Sun Jul 23 15:47:23 CEST 2017

On 23.07.2017 14:39, Bart wrote:
> { Try to translate HTML color code into TFPColor
>    Supports following formats
>      '#rgb'
>      '#rrggbb'
>      W3C Html color name
> }
> function TryHtmlToFPColorDef(const S: String; out FPColor: TFPColor;
> Def: TFPColor): Boolean;

Actually I wanted to use an advanced record for this (the other 
functions are from the same unit):

   TFPColor = record
     red,green,blue,alpha : word;
*constructor CreateFromHTML(const HTML: string; AllowConstantNames: 
     constructor Create(r,g,b,a:word);
     constructor Create(r,g,b:word);

     function AlphaBlend (color2: TFPColor): TFPColor;
     function CalculateGray : word;

Michael, is such refactoring wanted? (Of couse I'll keep the old normal 
functions as well.)

+Btw. there are much more name constants: 

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