[fpc-devel] Dangerous optimization in CASE..OF

Martok listbox at martoks-place.de
Thu Jul 13 21:34:42 CEST 2017

Hi all,

any new ideas on this issue?

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I do see where you're coming from.
There is some theoretical advantage in treating enums like that. Only one minor
issue: a language with that interpretation does not appear to be Pascal...

You can find some results of my investigations here:
(German-language forum post, but I know many of the core team are or can read
German anyway; I can provide a translation if you want)

Regardless of whether there may be some argument for this language change, I'm
still a firm believer in "don't surprise the user". There is literally no
precedent that this simplification has ever been done in any Pascal compiler
(quite the contrary), and there is no written hint that FPC does it either.
Basically, if people with some 30-ish years of experience (and always keeping up
with current language extensions) write that, I think we may have an issue here:

> In TP und {$R+} würde aValue ausserhalb einen RangeCheckError erzeugen.
> In {$R-} nicht, jedenfalls solange der Datentyp nicht überfahren wird {$Z..}.
> Demnach sollte also der Sprung in den else-Zweig immer eindeutig definiert sein.
> Jede andere Reaktion würde ich für ein Sicherheitsproblem halten, da hätte 
> Pascal ja keinen Vorteil mehr.

I also read all of ncg*.pas again with respect to range simplifications, and it
turns out that there really is only one instance where we simplify to undefined
behaviour: tcgcasenode. tcginnode just produces the else-branch faster for
x>=high(setbasetype) (without bittests), but is still defined. All others work
with the base integer type only.
Point is: there is really no unrelated side effect at all if we were to align
FPC with all the other Pascals out there.

Kind regards,


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