[fpc-devel] Generics collections

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 30 18:40:02 CEST 2016

Am 30.07.2016 18:10 schrieb "Maciej Izak" <hnb.code at gmail.com>:
> Impossible! :O *Finally*! Thanks Sven! Totally unexpected event. ;)

Expect the unexpected :P

> I'd like to use Generics.Collections in stable release ASAP but... IMO
best version for release is 3.2 (even 3.0.4 is probably to early). I need
to review latest changes in trunk for generics to correct library
(package?) code, because few elements in library are temporary (to
workaround bugs)  see

3.0.2 is probably too late as we're already in RC preparation phase. And as
you said 3.0.4 might be a bad idea as well if you want to rely on trunk

> I have questions how to contribute in future:
> - shall I create ticket on bugtracker for set of my commits on github (or
for each commit separately?)?

For now please create tickets, though not necessarily for each commit, but
maybe for commits that belong together. Also please check the changes I've
made (they're mentioned both in the commit as well as the issue).

> - Is right to break interface for experimental structures (generally most
of experimental structures were introduced only for bug workarounds)

Maybe you should add an "experimental" modifier to these types so that one
knows that they're unstable.
And that's another reason to keep this in trunk only: once it's released it
would be advisable to keep breaking changes to a minimum (not that they
can't happen at all as my changes for packages have shown).

> - maybe is good idea to add me write-rights for svn only for rtl-generics
subdirectory for easily maintenance?

Let's see for a while how much work you'll still have left and then we can
talk about this again.

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