[fpc-devel] TJSONDeStreamer can't handle such date format 'yyyy-MM-dd"T"hh:nn:ss"Z"'
Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
luizamericop at gmail.com
Tue Jul 19 11:46:49 CEST 2016
2016-07-19 5:47 GMT-03:00 Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org>:
> On Tue, 19 Jul 2016, Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis wrote:
> Exception class: EAssertionFailedError
>> Exception message: "Correct extended value" expected: <5,67> but was:
>> <6>
>> at $0043241F TTESTJSONDESTREAMER__TESTFLOAT4, line 374 of
>> testjsonrtti.pp
> I am aware of this.
> However, this is only on i386, on 64-bit the code runs fine.
> I have no idea why, the code should be CPU agnostic.
> I have not yet had the opportunity to debug it on a i386 machine.
I just looked at it in this weekend.
After doing some tests and reading the docs i realized that is not a bug in
fpjsonrtti, nor a bug at all.
First write directly 4.56 to the property (of comp type). Reading it
directly gives a rounded value (5)
Than i read the docs:
"The Comp type is, in effect, a 64-bit integer and is not available on all
target platforms. To get more information on the supported types for each
platform, refer to the Programmer’s Guide. "
For Intel 80x86 processors, the comp type contains a 63-bit integral value,
and a sign bit (in the MSB position). The comp type uses 8 bytes of storage
On other processors, the comp type is not supported.
It works in 64bit cpu because is testing other code:
{$ifdef CPUX86_64}
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