[fpc-devel] Generics.Collections as package for Lazarus or package for FPC RTL

Maciej Izak hnb.code at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 22:47:59 CET 2016

2016-01-27 21:01 GMT+01:00 Anthony Walter <sysrpl at gmail.com>:

> I've just like to point out that with Svens new support for generic
> functions, we actually have template like functionality in Free Pascal. You
> can now write functions which will verify at compile time the support of a
> method or operator for a particular type. This somewhat obviates the need
> to register or pass compare or equal functions or interfaces.
You don't need to pass any compare nor equal functions in the
Mentioned in your post kind of usage of operators was possible long before
"new generic functions":

class procedure TGArray<T>.Sort(var Items: TArray<T>);
{ ... identical code here ...}

In previous version of Generics.Collections library was possible to use two
kinds of all collections (one kind with operators and one kind with manual
interfaces) for example : TFastList (with operators verified at compile
time) and TList (more Delphi compatible with manual interfaces). Approach
with operators is weak in many points:

* is not much faster than manual interfaces (it is even slower in many
cases (!), that was shock for me)
* low level of encapsulation
* lack of support for more advanced collections (for example with usage of
cuckoo hashing)
* you need to define operators for all non trivial types (and that is not
always possible in simple way, for example: external library)
* Delphi/C# incompatible way of handling collections
* is harder for customization (case sensitive/insensitive)
* MOST IMPORTANT: it is only friendly for author of those collections, for
daily user it is hell - especially for advanced collections like

fpc-stl is implemented with usage of operators. look below (just
declaration example, problems with usage of operators grows exponentially

Example code for Generics.Collections:

=== code begin ===
  TRec = record
    ID1, ID2: Int64;
  d1: THashMap<TRec, TSome1>;
  d2: THashMap<string, TSome2>;
  d3: THashMap<Int64, TSome3>;
=== code end ===

fpc-stl equivalent:

=== reduced (!) code example begin ===
  TRec = record
    ID1, ID2: Int64;
    class operator Equal(a: TRec; b: TRec) : Boolean;

class operator TRec.Equal(a: TRec; b: TRec) : Boolean;
  Result := (a.ID1 = b.ID1) and (a.ID2 = b.ID2);

  THash_TRec = record
    class function Hash(A: TObject; B: SizeUInt): SizeUInt; static;

  THash_String = record
    class function Hash(A: string; B: SizeUInt): SizeUInt; static;

  THash_Int64 = record
    class function Hash(A: Int64; B: SizeUInt): SizeUInt; static;

class function THash_TRec.Hash(A: TObject; B: SizeUInt): SizeUInt;
   some hash function for TRec... you need to provide

class function THash_String.Hash(A: TObject; B: SizeUInt): SizeUInt;
   some hash function for string ... you need to provide

class function THash_Int64.Hash(A: TObject; B: SizeUInt): SizeUInt;
   some hash function for Int64 ... you need to provide

d1: THashmap<TRec, TSome1, THash_TRec>;
d2: THashmap<string, TSome2, THash_String>;
d2: THashmap<Int64, TSome3, THash_Int64>;
=== code end ===

Best regards,
Maciej Izak
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