[fpc-devel] FPC 3.0.0 on OSX 10.6.8 32bit Compile problem

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Mon Jan 18 12:19:51 CET 2016

info wrote on Sun, 17 Jan 2016:

> Yes using the latest xcode for 10.6.8

What does "clang --version" show? It should be "Apple clang version  
1.6 (tags/Apple/clang-70)" or newer. I just tried again and my Xcode  
(3.2.5) clang under 10.6.8 does accept the fistpq instructions.

If you have an older version, try running "xcode-select -print-path"  
to see from which Xcode installation directory the command line tools  
are taken. Maybe you have multiple versions installed. You can switch  
the command line tools to use a different version via "xcode-select  
-switch xcode_folder_path")


PS: instead of (re)building all of lazarus, you should be able to use  
the following test program on the command line (fpc test.pas) to  
determine whether or not the issue is resolved:

   e: extended;
   i: int64;

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