[fpc-devel] Is there a way to make Register Allocation inside of Interrupt Service Routines more efficient when using inline-assembler?

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Mon Aug 22 10:56:11 CEST 2016

On 13.08.2016 18:57, Michael Ring wrote:
> As you can see I have added the used registers list for this procedure 
> so my expectation was that only the register declared does get added 
> to the list of used registers.
Just an additional comment:

There are MIPS CPUs (e.g. PIC32 series) that feature multiple register 
sets and with that (certain definable) ISRs don't need to save any 
registers, but the hardware automatically activates an an alternate 
register set until return from interrupt is performed.

I suggest that this case should be able to be handled as well.


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