[fpc-devel] RTTI

Alfred alfred at consulab.nl
Thu Sep 3 12:09:51 CEST 2015

I would like to report back about RTTI.

RTTI Branch was tested on RPi2 (ARMV7A, hardfloat), win32/64 (Win8.1), 
Linux i386 (Arch VM) and Linux64 (Ubuntu VM).

I did encounter some new alignment issues again on ARM (see 
But some other alignment issues have vanished (see checkParam).

Also some register values did change:
Stacksize difference between Win64 and Linux64
Other difference most visible in : checkMethod(p, 'TestStdCall', ....

The included TestInterfaceRTTI.lpr runs flawless on all of my (VM-) 
systems and on RPi2.

Thanks !
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