[fpc-devel] Just saw that FreeSparta now is open source :-)

Boian Mitov mitov at mitov.com
Sun Mar 22 21:12:23 CET 2015

  Hello Everyone,

Just saw this on Google+, I think it will be great if some of it makes it into Lazarus :-) .

FreeSparta is now really free (new interface for Lazarus (similar to Delphi), and Generics.Collections library).

Soon will be possible to implement compatible ToolsAPI interface :).

I have hope that Lazarus team can merge some changes to main trunk of Lazarus (maybe with some changes/better naming for classes and methods) :)

What is FreeSparta:


Repo and more info:


With best regards,
Boian Mitov

Mitov Software
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