[fpc-devel] Embedded Strings on nRF51-DK
Michael Ring
mail at michael-ring.org
Tue Apr 28 19:00:13 CEST 2015
Hey! it looks like you are making good progress!
I know, in the current state the generated headers still require you to
write a lot of code as they are really only a thin wrapper arround the
registers and bits.
For pic32 I have already created some extra wrapper scripts, blinky
looks there like this, and it is more super-blinky as it flashes 10
LED's at a time ;-) ;-)
I am in the process of testing a way to also generate those more user
friendly additional wrappers.
I will check if there's an error in the generator,
PIN_CNF32 looks really really wrong...
program hello;
i : longword; //Thank you Jeppe ;-)
while true do
for i := 0 to 40000 do
for i := 0 to 40000 do
Am 28.04.15 um 18:07 schrieb Paul Michell:
> Micheal
> On Sunday 19 Apr 2015 17:24:35 Michael Ring wrote:
>> I have created a patch for you that adds the interface-unit for the
>> nrf51 chips.
> I've adapted my build script to generate the cross compiler from your patch.
> I've attached the actual script if you want to check that I've applied it
> correctly. It installs a ppcrossarm and RTL objects into /usr/lib/fpc/3.1.1/.
> When I run ppcrossarm -i I now get:
> at the end of the supported microcontroller list. I have also found the new
> nrf51.pp unit which I assume is generated from the CMSIS data you mentioned?
> Now I can use this to build a valid Cortex M0 executable without needing to
> use ld/make to perform the linking steps. I then use JLinkExe to perform the
> actual flashing of the nRF51. So my test build script is now:
> ppcrossarm -MObjFPC -Scghi -al -Ch1024 -Cs1024 -Tembedded -Parm -vewnhix -l -
> Cparmv6m -O- -WpnRF51822_xxAC -XParm-none-eabi- -a test1.pas
> JLinkExe test1.jlink
> Which is MUCH tidier than the GCC make script! Test1 is the preverbial
> simplest program:
> Program test1;
> Begin
> writeln('Hello World!');
> End.
> This (as expected) does nothing as writeln is not re-targeted to the UART.
> My next test was to write a FPC 'blinky' clone using the TGPIO_Registers
> defined in your nrf51.pp unit (test2.pas attached). The main section of this
> looks like:
> Procedure GPIOTogglePin(PinNumber: LongWord); Inline;
> Var
> PinBit: LongWord;
> Begin
> PinBit := LongWord(1) ShL PinNumber;
> If (GPIO.OUT And PinBit)=0 Then
> Else
> GPIO.OUTCLR := PinBit;
> End;
> Const
> LED1 = 21;
> Begin
> GPIO.PIN_CNF21_bits.SENSE := 0;
> GPIO.PIN_CNF21_bits.DRIVE := 0;
> GPIO.PIN_CNF21_bits.PULL := 0;
> GPIO.PIN_CNF21_bits.clearINPUT;
> GPIO.PIN_CNF21_bits.setDIR;
> While True Do
> Begin
> GPIOTogglePin(LED1);
> MillisecondsDelay(1000);
> End;
> End.
> I think this is still easier to read than the equivalent C, although it would
> be nicer still to be able to use the pin number as an array index, something
> like this:
> GPIO.PinConfig[LED1].setDIR;
> GPIO.Pin[LED1].Clear;
> At this point I decided to split the code into 2 modules so that utilities
> such as GPIOTogglePin and MillisecondsDelay were not defined in the main unit.
> This gives test3.pas and nRF51Utils.pas. As expected, FPC implicitly built
> and linked nRF51Utils. This is a great improvement over having to edit a
> makefile every time I want to introduce a new unit!
> Next I wanted to enable UART output so that I could do basic debugging.
> Unfortunately the fun starts when I try to elaborate this!
> In nrf51.h I notice the pin config array is defined as:
> PIN_CNF[32];
> But the TGPIO_Registers in nrf51.pp defines PIN_CNF0 to PIN_CNF32. Should
> that be to PIN_CNF31?
>> The CMSIS is a format created by ARM that (as one of it's features)
>> describes all registers and fields of an arm chip in a language
>> independant way.
>> Please check out a fresh copy of fpc-trunk
>> then apply this patch:
>> http://temp.michael-ring.org/nrf51.diff
>> and build the new compiler:
>> make clean buildbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm
>> SUBARCH=armv6m CROSSOPT="-O2 -gw2" BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-none-eabi-
> make buildbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm SUBARCH=armv6m
> CROSSOPT="-O2 -gw2" CROSSBINDIR=/usr/bin/ BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-none-eabi-
>> install it:
>> sudo make installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm
>> SUBARCH=armv6m CROSSOPT="-O2 -gw2" BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-none-eabi-
> sudo make installbase CROSSINSTALL=1 OS_TARGET=embedded CPU_TARGET=arm
> SUBARCH=armv6m CROSSOPT="-O2 -gw2" BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-none-eabi- PREFIX=/usr
>> You may need o change BINUTILSPREFIX=arm-none-eabi- when your binutils
>> have a different name and sudo is not necessary on windows
>> Now you have support for the nrf51 chips, ppcrossarm -i should give you:
>> nRF51822_xxAA,nRF51822_xxAB,nRF51822_xxAC,nRF51422_xxAA,nRF51422_xxAB
>> nRF51422_xxAC
>> as new Microcontroller types.
>> This unit will help you with raw access to all registers, I am not sure
>> if Nordic Semiconductor also offers documentation on this level, so your
>> mileage may vary.
>> But you now have a basis to play arround with linking to the nrf51 libs
>> and accessing the bluetooth stack provided by NC in the fpc way.
>> This is a helpfull way to do the compile:
>> ppcrossarm -MObjFPC -Scghi -al -Ch1024 -Cs1024 -Tembedded -Parm -vewnhix
>> -l -Cparmv6m -O- -WpnRF51822_xxAC -XParm-none-eabi- -a hello.pas -sh
>> everything is compiled, but not linked.
>> you can then have a look at link.res, check that all necessary sections
>> are included. When happy you can call ppas.sh to do the actual linking.
>> I also have two nrf51 USB-thumb sticks please keep me posted on your
>> success, I wanted to also do a small bluetooth project based on those
>> modules. My plan was to do this in C (this is painful, but often the
>> faster way) but I may switch to also try to do the project in fpc based
>> on your results.....
>> Michael
>> Am 18.04.15 um 11:16 schrieb Paul Michell:
>>> Michael
>>> Thanks for the offer of help. I'm totally new to embedded work. I am
>>> aware of the FPC embedded compiler target, but I don't yet understand
>>> the nRF51 SDK enough to set up the required files. I would like to move
>>> to this approach and I have read:
>>> http://wiki.freepascal.org/TARGET_Embedded
>>> What I am unsure about is how this would work with the RF/Bluetooth
>>> firmware of the nRF51. I have deliberately been staying as close to the
>>> GCC method as possible so that I can use all of the SDK resources. But
>>> if it is possible to use the target embedded approach that would be much
>>> better.
>>> I don't know what the chip's CMSIS data is. I tried to google it and
>>> there is some mention of a 'SDK CMSIS pack' here:
>>> http://developer.nordicsemi.com/
>>> Does this tell you what needs to be known? Would you need to produce a
>>> different controller definition for each SoftDevice configuration?
>>> If you think this is worth attempting I would be happy to help set this
>>> up.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Paul
>>> On Friday 17 Apr 2015 08:44:55 Michael Ring wrote:
>>>> I can generate the pascal unit for the nrf51 module from the CMSIS Data
>>>> of this chip.
>>>> Drop me a note if are you interested, this unit should make your life a
>>>> lot easier.
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