[fpc-devel] UTF8 RTL

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Sun Nov 23 18:57:33 CET 2014

On 23/11/14 17:23, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> I started the thread about ParamStr, which only supports the system
> codepage. I would like to improve it so that it supports
> DefaultSystemCodepage. Or at least add an Unicode version of
> ParamStr.

We need both, as Marco mentioned. The main issue is that on Unix
platforms, to fix it properly you must interpret the parameters
according to "DefaultSystemCodePage at startup, or in case a separate
widestring manager is used then right after that one was initialised".
Maybe we need another Default*CodePage variable which indicates the
"real" system code page...

> I also want to update the UTF-8 wiki pages. For example "If you use the
> <insert name here> then ...". For this I need a short name.

"If you use FPC 2.7.1 or later then ..."


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