[fpc-devel] translations of the errore.msg file

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Wed May 28 08:33:17 CEST 2014


And here is a list of the encodings and language:
errorct.msg  CP1252  Catalan
errord.msg   CP437   German
errorda.msg  UTF-8   Danish
errordu.msg  UTF-8   German
errore.msg   UTF-8   English
errores.msg  CP1252  Spanish
errorf.msg   CP850   French
errorfi.msg  ISO-8859-1  French
errorhe.msg  CP1255  Hebrew
errorheu.msg UTF-8   Hebrew
errorid.msg  UTF-8   Indonesian
erroriu.msg  CP1252  Italian
errorn.msg   CP850   Dutch
errorpl.msg  CP852   Polish
errorpli.msg ISO-8859-2  Polish
errorpt.msg  CP850   Portuguese
errorptu.msg UTF-8   Portuguese
errorr.msg   CP866   Russian
errorru.msg  UTF-8   Russian
errorues.msg UTF-8   Spanish

Maybe this could be added as a README?


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