[fpc-devel] https support; call for testers

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sat May 10 16:30:17 CEST 2014

On Sat, 10 May 2014, Dimitrios Chr. Ioannidis wrote:

> Ηι,
>> Στις 11/4/2014 4:26 μμ, ο/η Michael Van Canneyt έγραψε:
> <snip>
>>> But I compiled everything with 2.6.4, and it worked.
>>> You should be able to copy the following units from trunk to your projects 
>>> directory:
>>> openssl/src/openssl.pas
>>> openssl/src/fpopenssl.pp
>>> fcl-net/src/ssockets.pp
>>> fcl-net/src/sslsockets.pp
>>> fcl-web/src/fphttpclient.pp
>> I already done that and started to test it ...
>> Thx again ...
> i'm getting an range check error with not properly configured https sites.
> I know that the https infrastructure isn't properly configured but shouldn't 
> the ssl socket raise an error reg. wrong certificate ( or somethink like that 
> ) instead of throw a range check error and of course new mem leaks ?
> You can check the following address https://www.zougla.gr ( which is in an 
> akamai ).

I can't reproduce this. I get a 504 error.


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