[fpc-devel] odbcconn.pas

Nathan Wild nathan.wild at gmail.com
Fri Mar 14 13:17:10 CET 2014

Thanks very much!

I listed both programmatic and GUI examples because I use both in my day to
day work...  I think the fact that I was not calling applyupdates() is what
was causing my issues.  I will test this when I get to a computer later
this afternoon. :)

I looked through the tutorials when I first started playing with Lazarus,
but they looked like just an overview of things I've been doing in Delphi
for almost 20 years.  I will review them more closely and see if there are
steps I'm omitting.

In Delphi there is no need to call applyupdates(), so perhaps there is a
corresponding missing step using bound controls in Lazarus?

Thanks very much for taking the time to help out!

Nathan T. Wild
On Mar 14, 2014 6:43 AM, "Reinier Olislagers" <reinierolislagers at gmail.com>

> On 13/03/2014 14:20, Nathan Wild wrote:
> > Thanks so much for responding!  I am extremely excited about the
> > prospect of getting this working.
> >
> > Nothing I do in databound controls seems to commit anything to the
> > underlying dataset.
> Responding privately - I read the Lazarus forum & mailing list, so I'll
> see responsed there as well...
> I'm not a GUI guru at all but have you tried the sqldb tutorials 0
> through 2? Do they work for you?
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