[fpc-devel] Optimizations

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Jan 24 02:15:59 CET 2014

On 24/01/2014 01:03, Martin Frb wrote:
> Until that is done, your best choice, if you need the speed is to do 
> this by hand:
> or better
> if cnt = 0 then exit;
> tmpptrA := @a[0];
> tmpptrB := @b[0];
> for i := 0 to cnt - 1 do
>     begin
>       tmpVAlue := tmpptrA^ + tmpptrB^;
>       tmpptrA^ := tmpVAlue;
>       inc(tmpptrA); // assuming a typed pointer
>       tmpptrA^ := tmpVAlue;
>       inc(tmpptrB); // assuming a typed pointer
>     end;

Actually, if the late hour has not clouded my sight, it goes even better.

tmpptrA := @a[0];
tmpptrB := @b[0];
  tmpVAlue := tmpptrA^;
for i := 0 to cnt - 1 do
       tmpVAlue := tmpVAlue + tmpptrB^;
       tmpptrA^ := tmpVAlue;
       inc(tmpptrA); // assuming a typed pointer
       inc(tmpptrB); // assuming a typed pointer
     tmpptrA^ := tmpVAlue;

the last is actually a[cnt], not sure if intended, but it is done so in 
the original code too.
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