[fpc-devel] One fpc.cfg per fpc version

patspiper patspiper at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 16:09:17 CET 2014

On 17/02/14 16:45, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Feb 2014 15:10:03 +0100 (CET)
> Michael Van Canneyt <michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
>> On Mon, 17 Feb 2014, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Is there already a doc about how to install multiple versions of fpc?
>> No, because
>> a) There are so many ways to do it
>> b) There are so many platforms.
>> I prefer to document the possibilities and let the user figure out for himself what works best.
> That's definitely a good thing.
> The next step would be to create an example. I guess a common setup is
> the latest release and trunk.
> Let's say I start such a page.
> Then I would explain the two common setups
> The clean approach:
> 1.1. read Michael's docs
> 1.2. install the latest released compiler
> 1.3. download the trunk sources, compile it
> 1.4. "make install INSTALL_PREFIX=~/fpc/2.7.1"
> 1.5. setup a fpc.cfg (~/fpc/2.7.1/lib/etc/fpc.cfg), add
> -FD~/fpc/2.7.1/bin and adapt the -Fu lines.
> Then you can select the 2.6.2 via /usr/bin/fpc or the 2.7.1 via
> ~/fpc/2.7.1/lib/2.7.1/ppcx86.

Calling ppcxxx directly breaks easy cross compilation using build modes.

Better provide for every fpc version the path to fpc and the path to the 
corresponding ppc(s) so that Lazarus can call:
<pathtofpc>fpc -Xp<pathtoppc>

or even:
<pathtofpc>fpc -Xp<pathtoppc> -FD<pathtotools>


> The shared approach:
> 1.1. read Michael's docs
> 1.2. install the latest released compiler
> 1.3. download the trunk sources, compile it
> 1.4. "make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr"
> Then you can select the 2.6.2 via /usr/lib/fpc/2.6.2/ppcx86 or
> the 2.7.1 via /usr/lib/fpc/2.7.1/ppcx86.
> Beware that you now use the 2.7.1 tools (e.g. /usr/bin/fpcres). There
> are some corner cases where this does not work. Then you need the clean
> approach.
>> I do think we can certainly make the default behaviour more 'version aware' by installing
>> a config file that already implements one of the different schemes.
>> That said, I am still not convinced of the need for this, I work since many years with a single pretty standard config file, which I've never had to edit.
> I use the standard config file since many years as well.
> Mattias
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