[fpc-devel] 2.6.2 messes up stackframe pointer /// Fwd: Re: [Lazarusdev] crash in View Forms Dialog - codetools
Martin Frb
lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Feb 6 01:32:25 CET 2014
Only tested with 2.6.2 yet. Will see yf/when I get to test with trunk.
Also not reproduced on simple code yet, only in the IDE (on 2 different
pieces of code, both involving for ...in)
Maybe it is already known?
It needs -O2( ( maybe higher / not tested), and it needs other checks
disabled (and least some of them but y usual set of Criot gh gt did
prevent it)
The finding is at the end. there is a
007EB390 50 push %eax
that does not get undone. (not in the flow the code follows in this case)
So that means next time esp is used, it is wrong.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Lazarusdev] crash in View Forms Dialog - codetools
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2014 00:26:34 +0000
From: Martin Frb <lazarus at mfriebe.de>
Reply-To: Lazarus Developers List <lazarusdev at freepascal.org>
To: Lazarus Developers List <lazarusdev at freepascal.org>
On 05/02/2014 23:43, Martin Frb wrote:
> On 05/02/2014 23:29, Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> Looking at the code I don't see how FTree can be nil.
>> Can you check
>> constructor TViewUnitsEntryEnumerator.Create(Tree: TAVLTree);
>> begin
>> FTree:=Tree;
>> end;
>> if FTree is nil?
> I am trying. With -O2 I must rely on sam and registers a lot.
> It appears to be there (Some value <> nil, that I still have to write
> down, and compare against the tree), and it is stored somewhere.
> I do have a feeling that it is a bug in fpc. But I have not yet
> tracked what exactly it is....
ok so step by step
procedure TViewUnitDialog.OKButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
viewunit_dlg.pp:465 for S2PItem in fEntries.fItems do begin
007EB35D 8b542428 mov 0x28(%esp),%edx
007EB361 8b82b0040000 mov 0x4b0(%edx),%eax
007EB367 8b4004 mov 0x4(%eax),%eax
007EB36A e8c1c5e5ff call 0x647930 <GETENUMERATOR>
007EB36F 8944242c mov %eax,0x2c(%esp)
The only argument is eax, so I guess that is TStringToPointerTree. If so
then this is it, and looks good)
at address 292259264
_vptr$TOBJECT = $f39514},
LONGINT} 0x116b85c4,
FTREE = $116b85e0,
TREE = $116b85e0,
LONGINT} 0x116b85c4},
function TStringToPointerTree.GetEnumerator: TStringToPointerTreeEnumerator;
generates only the following asm *from debugger view) , no stack frame
FTree at 0x8(%eax) seems right
00647930 8b4808 mov 0x8(%eax),%ecx
00647933 bac095f300 mov $0xf395c0,%edx
00647938 b800000000 mov $0x0,%eax
0064793D e80e000000 call 0x647950 <CREATE>
codetoolsstructs.pas:735 end;
calculating the address by hand, I get (count = 0 may be correct, since
the list was empty / crash happens with items in list too)
at addr 292259296 / 0x116b85e0
<TAVLTREE> = { <TOBJECT> = { _vptr$TOBJECT = $116b85e0},
ROOT = $7a9c021,
ONCOMPARE = { function (POINTER, POINTER) : LONGINT} 0x116b85cc,
COUNT = 0}
ftree goes in ecx to create
codetoolsstructs.pas:741 FTree:=Tree;
006479AF 897b04 mov %edi,0x4(%ebx)
Assuming that ebx is self in create, edi indeed still contains ftree
AFTER create the iterator looks (again, if I got the right address
<TOBJECT> = { _vptr$TOBJECT = $f395c0},
FTREE = $116b85e0, <<<<<<<<<<<<< same as above, ok
back in buttonclick:
viewunit_dlg.pp:465 for S2PItem in fEntries.fItems do begin
007EB3D8 8b44242c mov 0x2c(%esp),%eax
007EB3DC e85fc6e5ff call 0x647a40 <MOVENEXT>
ARGGGHHH NOw I missed where the value changed, but now it is 0x116fa658
And that in the TViewUnitDialog: MoveNext is called with TViewUnitDialog
as self.
Ok found it
viewunit_dlg.pp:465 for S2PItem in fEntries.fItems do begin
007EB35D 8b542428 mov 0x28(%esp),%edx
007EB361 8b82b0040000 mov 0x4b0(%edx),%eax
007EB367 8b4004 mov 0x4(%eax),%eax
007EB36A e8c1c5e5ff call 0x647930 <GETENUMERATOR>
007EB36F 8944242c mov %eax,0x2c(%esp)
007EB373 85c0 test %eax,%eax
007EB375 0f848e000000 je 0x7eb409 <OKBUTTONCLICK+233>
007EB37B 89e1 mov %esp,%ecx
007EB37D 8d54240c lea 0xc(%esp),%edx
007EB381 b801000000 mov $0x1,%eax
007EB386 e8d522c2ff call 0x40d660 <fpc_pushexceptaddr>
007EB38B e86048c2ff call 0x40fbf0 <fpc_setjmp>
007EB390 50 push %eax
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< change esp
007EB391 85c0 test %eax,%eax
007EB393 7550 jne 0x7eb3e5 <OKBUTTONCLICK+197>
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< this jump is followed
007EB395 eb41 jmp 0x7eb3d8 <OKBUTTONCLICK+184>
007EB397 90 nop
007EB398 8b44242c mov 0x2c(%esp),%eax
007EB39C e8dfc6e5ff call 0x647a80 <GETCURRENT>
007EB3A1 89c6 mov %eax,%esi
viewunit_dlg.pp:466 Entry:=TViewUnitsEntry(S2PItem^.Value);
And then we get to
viewunit_dlg.pp:465 for S2PItem in fEntries.fItems do begin
007EB3D8 8b44242c mov 0x2c(%esp),%eax
007EB3DC e85fc6e5ff call 0x647a40 <MOVENEXT>
007EB3E1 84c0 test %al,%al
only 0x2c(%esp) is wrong, because esp is wrong now.
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