[fpc-devel] fpc libraries do not work in freeBSD...

Fred van Stappen fiens at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 5 20:52:50 CEST 2014

> Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 22:29:28 +0400
> From: sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru
> To: fpc-devel at lists.freepascal.org
> Subject: Re: [fpc-devel] fpc libraries do not work in freeBSD...
> 05.08.2014 22:02, Sven Barth пишет:
> > Am 05.08.2014 15:35 schrieb "Marco van de Voort" <marcov at stack.nl <mailto:marcov at stack.nl>>:
> >  > But the FPC version has these symbols in the main program, maybe you must
> >  > make sure that those (operatingsystem*) systems are available from the
> >  > mainprogram too and preloaded with the proper values.
> >
> > The main program should not need to do anything here. It's more likely that there is a problem in
> > our FreeBSD startup files for libraries.
> >
> FreeBSD loader does not pass argc,argv and envp to shared library initialization procedure, like it 
> happens on Linux. Since FPC does not have a shared RTL, such hack with exporting symbols from 
> executable is likely an only way to initialize RTLs compiled into shared libraries.
> However starting from version 9.2 IIRC, FreeBSD loader looks more like Linux one, but it passes 
> argc,argv and envp only to initialization procedures pointed at by DT_INIT_ARRAY, not to one pointed 
> at by DT_INIT. I.e. fixing the issue requires changes to startup files/link scripts and means that 
> no support for versions <9.2 will be available.
> Regards,
> Sergei

Yeeeeeep, Sergei, many many many thanks, you are the superman that i was waiting for.
It is more than exactly the problem that i have.

PS: I just post a message who talks about your earlier topics. (and i do not see your new one).

Re many thanks.


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