[fpc-devel] -dTEST_WIN32_SEH

Martin Frb lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sun Apr 13 16:58:52 CEST 2014

On 13/04/2014 15:49, Sergei Gorelkin wrote:
>> If so, how can the debugger get notified (before the longjmp), in a 
>> way, that it can get the address
>> where the problem occurred?
>> with raise exception the debugger can set a breakpoint, because raise 
>> exception is defined [public
>> alias ...] so the debugger can read the address by knowing the name.
>> But the new code does not have that....
> The new fpc_raiseexception procedure has the same public alias as 
> before. Each of the handler routines mentioned above also has a public 
> alias.

I am looking at http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=26013#bugnotes
I still await feedback.

But it does look like it might be:

- An external dll has risen an exception
- The fpc_raiseexception was not called (as there is no mention that the 
IDE showed the debug dialog that is triggered by exceptions in the debugger)
- An except handle was reached (in the LCL / the application except 
handler, that does show the dialog for otherwise unhandled exceptions

Yes the debugger could propably gen "fpc_catches" or similar). But at 
that point. the instruction pointer and stack would be at the except. 
The position (in the dll) where the error occurred, would be lost.

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