[fpc-devel] RTTI for ProcVar types

Steve Hildebrandt Steve.Kassel at web.de
Thu Mar 21 15:53:52 CET 2013

Am 21.03.2013 11:51, schrieb Sven Barth:
> Out of curiosity: Why did you add this?
To implement a less "hacky" way of generic method invokation.
Supporting several calling conventions I can call a method based on the 
address and an array of const as parameters.
Without RTTI there would've been a need for hard coded meta information, 
wich is error prone and rather time consuming.
Since tkMethod supports RTTI any method contained in a record, class, 
object would work without additional meta information.
I'm currently using this to call pascal procedures and use pascal 
classes in LUA.
> Without you showing what you changed we can not help much...
typinfo.pp :
tkMethod, tkProcVar: // simply added tkProcVar here
               (MethodKind : TMethodKind;
                ParamCount : Byte;
                ParamList : array[0..1023] of Char
ncgrtti.pas:(Line 690)
procedure procvardef_rtti(def:tprocvardef);
   { write method id and name }
   if po_methodpointer in def.procoptions
     then write_header(def,tkMethod)
     else write_header(def,tkProcVar);

So that RTTI generation for tkProcVar and tkMethod would only 
differentiate in the TTypeKind field.

mfg Necem

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