[fpc-devel] Strange behaviour with Synapse

Geoffray Levasseur-Brandin jeff.levasseur at free.fr
Sat Mar 16 19:52:09 CET 2013

Le samedi 16 mars 2013 19:29:15 Geoffray Levasseur-Brandin a écrit :
> > There is quite more needed to get the code running. I can't get it
> > compiled on my kubuntu 12.04. It complains about duplicate resources.
> Hum maybe you have Synapse installed in your Lazarus as I'm briging it with 
> the application (and it's appearing in project manage).
If anybody have that king of issue, I'll try to give more platform independent 
code if I have the exact error.

Geoffray Levasseur-Brandin <geoffray.levasseur-brandin at ac-toulouse.fr>
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