[fpc-devel] Invalid floating point operation - roundto

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Wed Mar 6 10:15:57 CET 2013

On 22 Feb 2013, at 13:30, tomek at ump.edu.pl wrote:

> s1,s2: extended;
> s1:=291.022;
> s2:=roundto(s1,-30);   //TRoundToRange = -37..37;
> give me Invalid floating point operation.
> I see that roundto goes to single instead of extended. But why ?

Because overload selection is based on parameter matching from right  
to left, and -30 can be exactly represented using "single" and hence  
is converted to that type by the compiler when it has to turn it into  
a floating point constant.

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