[fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

Daniël Mantione daniel.mantione at freepascal.org
Tue Mar 5 19:26:19 CET 2013

Op Tue, 5 Mar 2013, schreef Mark Morgan Lloyd:

> I've not had an opportunity to try this, but my understanding is that on a 
> Sun E10K with something like 256 400MHz processors the Linux kernel built in 
> around 20 seconds. I've had it build in about 3 minutes on a system with 16x 
> 80MHz processors, but that was in the days of kernel 2.2 and there was 
> probably less than half today's number of files involved.

Well... I put that into question. I don't have a 256 core system, but I 
have a quad Opteron 6376 system, 64 cores @ 2.4 GHz is quite a bit of 
compute power. Compiling kernel 3.3.2:

[root at node016 linux-3.3.2]# time make -j 64


real    1m54.823s
user    77m14.178s
sys     11m32.109s

To minutes to build a kernel is still fast though :)


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