[fpc-devel] Re: Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Kylix 3

Martin Schreiber mse00000 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 11:14:43 CET 2013

On Monday 04 March 2013 09:26:53 Vittorio Giovara wrote:
> Martin made a point that delphi7 is faster better and whatever than fpc...
> so what?
> Don't use fpc if you don't like it, or send patches to improve it ;)
You probably might know, I am the author of MSEide+MSEgui:

In MSEgui development I am happy if users report what they need in their daily 
work and what is inconvenient in current MSEgui implementation. I then try to 
examine the problem, find out how it can be solved and implement an universal 
solution based on what I learned from the conrete "real world example". I do 
not expect that users provide patches, reproducible testcases are enough. If 
the users provide patches there is a big risk, that they fix their current 
problem only instead to find an orthogonal improvement. And the quality of 
the code maybe is not always the best. ;-)
Please read the MSEide-MSEgui mailing list archive in order to check how 
things are handled in MSEgui.

With the MSEide Delphi/Kylix/FPC comparison I provide a real world testcase 
which the FPC team can use to improve their product. If the FPC team don't 
want to do so or think it is not necessary or it is no fun then I have to 
accept it and I will accept it.
But from time to time I will repeat the comparison in order the facts will not 
get forgotten.


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