[fpc-devel] Comparison FPC 2.6.2 - Delphi 7

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Sun Mar 3 14:08:37 CET 2013

On Sun, 3 Mar 2013, Martin Schreiber wrote:

> On Sunday 03 March 2013 08:12:28 Martin Schreiber wrote:
>> On Saturday 02 March 2013 11:28:25 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2 Mar 2013, Martin Schreiber wrote:
>>>> On Saturday 02 March 2013 10:52:18 Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
>>>>> Anyway, what seems obvious from your numbers is that it is the linking
>>>>> stage that needs speedup. This does not really come as a surprise.
>>>> On Windows FPC linking time of MSEide is about 2-3 seconds IIRC, I'll
>>>> check it later, currently I try to make MSEide+MSEgui Kylix3 compatible
>>>> so we have a benchmark on Linux too.
>>> When you do, please send me the output of a strace -f
>> I will take a while because it is much work to make the code both FPC and
>> Delphi/Kylix compatible.
> BTW, a significant percentage of the time is waiting for FPC compiling because
> FPC normally crashes without -B.

A sure sign that you have fishy code :)
I have lots of code, and never ever experienced such a thing.
I even can't remember when the compiler last gave me a problem; and I use it daily.

Most problems I experience today have to do with version management.

I'm sorry, but I do not share your focus on speed. I have many projects, 
some of them have more units than mseide does, and yet I never have to wait 
more than a couple of seconds. The only exception is the Lazarus IDE.

If you say that mseide only compiles with -B, I would suggest looking for 
strange dependencies inside mseide, if you want to reduce compile time...

I do not want to say that FPC does not need speed improvements, but I do suspect you 
will get faster results looking at removing the -B requirement from mseide...


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